Surveys and studies. 1969-2005.


Surveys and studies. 1969-2005.

Surveys and studies covering a wide variety of topics related to the zoo, particularly admission prices, attendance, consumer attitudes, economic projections, education, financial analysis, food service, free zoo days, image, physical facilities, privatization, and visitor awareness. Included are a 1970 comparison survey of admission prices to various recreational events held statewide, an environmental education survey, the cost of free zoo days to the Minnesota taxpayer, a 1982 phone survey of leisure/recreation activities in a 15-county area surrounding the zoo, a visitor attitudes and demographics survey done during a series of jazz concerts held at the zoo in August 1986, and 1986-1988, 1999-2000, and 2002-2005 governance studies.



SNAC Resource ID: 6647492

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Minnesota State Zoological Board (corporateBody)

In August, 1977, the zoo captured two beluga whales in the Churchill River near Hudson's Bay, Canada. The two whales, a male named Big Mouth and a female named Little Girl, were the major attractions when the zoo opened in 1978. In 1984, Big Mouth injured his jaw while chewing on a feeding platform or water pipe; x-rays in May, 1986, showed the infection had moved into the bone. On July 10, 1986, surgery was performed to shorten and reconstruct his jaw. The zoo announced on April 15, 1987 that B...

Minnesota Zoological Garden (corporateBody)